2007年 シンポジウム | 特定非営利活動法人 国際連合活動支援クラシックライブ協会

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2007年 シンポジウム


2007 生命のコンサート
環境ミュージカル 「そして森は生きている – 私たちの地球憲章 -」 & シンポジム
2007年 4月13日 東京芸術劇場 大会議室 PM6:30~PM8:30

第1部 プレ公演 (欧州公演派遣団&YPAメンバーによる)- 英語Version
第2部 地球憲章 - 私たちの青い地球をまもる ・・・・・

パネリスト 廣野良吉先生 (成蹊大学名誉教授 地球憲章委員)


With dream and hope, we can solve whatever we have brought about.
Let’s hold our hands firmly together!
And the world will be full of joy and hope!
Let’s make a better future for everyone!

And the forest is alive!

大学生のメッセージ No2

At a university I’m studying Indian philosophy.
“Mottainai” is now a well-known Japanese word which Ms.Wangari Muta
Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize winner, has spread to the rest of the world.
In Buddhist thought, “Mottainai” is an expression of respect and gratitude to the spirit governing Nature.
In today’s usage it means your sense of respect and gratitude for anything given to you
and your determination not to waste it.
To achieve an environment-friendly society, the government of Japan is now promoting
a concept of 3Rs, i.e., Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Traveling to India, however, I discovered that there was another version of 3Rs.
It is a teaching of Dalai Lama;
1. RESPECT yourself,
2. RESPECT others, and
3. Bear a full RESPONSIBILITY for your actions.
If we actively practice these two kinds of 3Rs, I strongly believe that we will be able to protect our Blue Planet. I shall do my best in this,
while pursuing my love to sing and dance.

大学生のメッセージ No3

I saw the Statue of Liberty from the 79th floor of World Trade Center on our first New York Tour. Shortly after 9.11 in 2001,
I visited the U.N. headquarters for the 3rd NY Tour. In 2005 I was back again in New York for my 4th Tour.
The city was calm as if nothing had happened. During all those years I continued singing and dancing, because I love them.
While doing these musical performances in Japan and overseas, we have assisted, though voluntary contributions, children in developing countries
to feed themselves, to keep a good health, to go to school and to plant trees.
We ourselves have replanted trees in China, installing there ‘The Forest of the Classic Live Association for the United Nations.’

Having watched a film, “Beyond Borders” and lately “An Inconvenient Truth,” we are aware of the path we are now treading

大学生のメッセージ NO4

At a university in Japan, I’m studying to be a tour guide.
It is also my first time to participate in this environmental musical overseas.
I’m so grateful to all those people who have enabled me to participate in this European tour.

We all know that it is we mankind who must protect our precious Nature and Historical Assets.
Global warming is now melting snow at the top of Mt. Fuji, the Alps, Mt. Everest and other highest mountains
around the world, as well as icebergs of the Northern Sea.
Many small and beautiful islands in the Pacific are now being threatened to go under the sea long
before the end of this century. It may sound a bit selfish, but I hate to see those Natural wonders,
some of the most attractive world’s tourist spots, to disappear and the eco-tourism to die away.

As it often happens in tours, sharing the same time and the same space with
other persons does give us a sense of togetherness and deepen our commitment to pursue the common goals.
Everyone of us living on the earth and myriad life forms are sharing this beautiful Blue Planet. People
gathering here this evening (afternoon) are all concerned with the encroaching peril of our Mother Earth,
so let us do what we can do together, to save energy, to save water, to save forest and to protect our only Place to
survive. I shall of course do my best in this, while pursuing my love to sing and dance, too.
as one towards self-destruction, and also understand the complexity of dealing with such diverse environmental problems and in particular Global Warming.

Whether exploitation of our natural resources such as petroleum, the continuing process of urbanization,
or nuclear weapons do pose a threat to us all living on the Earth.
In the interest of promoting economic, social and environmental sustainability all over the world,
let us now do what we can do together, at home and in our communities and countries
as well as at the global level to reduce, reuse and recycle our industrial and household wastes,
to protect our biodiversity, and to stop further global warming.
I shall also do my best in this, while pursuing my love to sing and dance.

「森は生きている」 欧州公演 準備委員会 会合
2007年 4月 4日  大学生のメッセージ  NO,1

As an university student, I’m majoring the study of social welfare.

I’ve participated NY Tour 2005.

Let me point out that I love singing and dancing too.

Nowadays, Japan is facing the serious concerns of rapid aging and very low birthrate. The country with the greatest longevity is Japan, with the average citizen living for 84 years.

But this also means that in thirty years, one third of the whole population in Japan will be old people. Who will see the last of those old people?

My plan for the future is to find a job in the field of elderly care. I hope I can bring about convenience and tenderness in nursing-care as much as possible.

By the way, I’m very much into the nature of social welfare in member states of the EU. We often hear the slogan, ‘From the cradle to the grave.’ A lot can be learned from the problems happening in countries with advanced welfare systems.

From the fact that promotion of Kyoto Protocol is confronting its difficult situation, we know that nice words cannot solve environmental problems.

Through this activity I would like to think about what I can do now. So that I can be a professional caregiver who can sing and dance.